Sunday 25 December 2011

Oily or Gassy it works for you

Now I am an oily kind of girl. And no I don't mean I like fry foods. What I mean is my face looks like I do after a few hours when I have makeup on especially foundation. When I mean oily I mean oil spill oily. I mean Mom: JM I ran out of oil I need to go Tru Value. JM: Is okay mom you can fry the fries I have enough oil on my face to fry for everyone in the house. It is that bad girls and guys.

Now after looking up cheap oily skin primers cuz a sister on a budget I discover countless videos on Milk of Magnesia as an oily skin primer. It has even been recommended by one of the local gurus. So I say to myself let me buy 1. Well who tell me say that nah. 

I never had gas problems but somehow I always have M.O.M in my makeup bag. So you know it was boss.

Put the M.O.M on your face right after moisterizing. I used to make sure the white residue dissolved but I heard that if you leave the residue your face stays  matte for a longer period of time.


If it doesn't work. Well the next time you need a cleaning out you have some M.O.M handy.

Gassy or Oily.

1 comment:

  1. I myself have ridiculously oily skin the MOM had me looking flawless all day!! Even in the midday sun.
